Thursday, January 26, 2017

Where do you get your news?

"Wire" services--international news

  • Associated Press--1848
  • United Press International--1907-58
  • AFP—Agence France-Presse--1835
  • Reuters--1851
  • TASS--1925
  • BBC-- 1922
  • CNN--1980
  • Al Jazeera--1996
  • Zenit--1997 
  • twitter--2006
  • Vice--2013 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Responsible? Is the media the most "dishonest" people?

Country adoption preliminary deadlines

We will begin your country adoption reports Thursday, March 23 and have two or three a day. Date assignments will be made March 9.
  • By Thursday, Feb. 9, post below the person and media you will contact.
  • By Tuesday, Feb. 16, you will have made contact by email with a media person in your country. We will discuss this in class. 
  • In initial email, introduce yourself; tell the person who you are and that  you're doing this for a university class; and give the link to Clarkinternational as a reference. 
  • Ask for a confirmation email.
  • Let them know you need to visit with them, via email, no later than March 9.
  • Ask them for a date when they'd have time to respond.
  • If the person does not respond within 24 hours, send another email. If that doesn't work, find a backup person immediately.
  • Being unable to contact a media person will subtract 30 points from your 150-point project.
  • Send them the list of questions you'd to discuss:
  1. What is the roll of the media in their country?
  2. How has the Internet and social media changed media in their country?
  3. What is the most important thing to know about media in their country?
  4. Who controls the media in their country?
  5. What are the strengths of the media in their country?
  6. What are the weaknesses of the media in their country?
In your email, I suggest some form of the following:

I'm a senior (major) student at the University of Central Oklahoma in an international media class.
For my class assignment, I'm studying the media in your country and would appreciate it if you could answer a few questions for me.
Your views on the news media will be vital to  my class presentation later this
semester. The questions I'd like to ask follow. Would it be possible to have your answers by (date)?

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Libertarian thought

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Questions for today on censorship

1. Should "fake news" be censored? Fake News masterpiece
2. Should "apps" be censored? Censors Delight
3. Is the First Amendment obsolete?
 4. Why? Why? Why?

3 tables, 15 read, 15 discuss, 15 report

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Dangerous year for journalists--Authoritarian Assignment

The Committee to Protect Journalists. Click on this link.

Comment below, by 5 pm WednesdayJan. 18.

Why is Turkey so dangerous for journalists?
Can this happen in the United States? Why or why not?

Why is Turkey so dangerous for journalists?

Authoritarian times

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Gutenberg and moveable type

Second reading assignments

Click and read.  Or on pages A8, B5, of today's New York Times
Norway cuts FM radio
Facebook Journalism Project
Comment below by 5 p.m. Friday
1. What effect would that have, if done to FM  in America?
2. Will Facebook's action increase or decrease more "fake news"

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Four questions

"Four Theories of the Press," 1956.
 Three professors of communication-Fred S. Siebert, Theodore Peterson and Wilbur Schramm-brought out their Four Theories of the Press which went a long way in establishing a typology in the minds of journalism educators and students.

Day 2 Agenda

Fact sheets 
    New York Times
·     Country choices
·     Comments, discussions
·     blog
·     Clare Hollingworth assignment
     MidEast assignment
·     Mideast map
         Four questions

It's time to get to work

  • Watch this video:Isis and social media
  • Assignment--what is Al Jazeera, and why should you know about it?
    Comment below by 5 p.m. Jan. 13.
  • Mideast map--learn countries by Tuesday

A great woman journalist who made international history

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Monday, January 9, 2017

The world view

In New Zealand
The Newseum

The  U.S. Election

Did you know?

In 2016
10 years from now

What does this mean for your education?

First reading assignments

Click and read each story.
1. Israel media corruption
2. Foreign influence on American media
3. Turkey jailing journalists
4. Collapse of free press in Turkey
5. Fake News International

Comment below by 9 a.m.  Jan. 11.  One or two sentences each.
1. How widespread do you think news media corruption is?
2. How can American news media avoid this?
3.4. Do you see any danger in America like this?
5. How can we combat fake news?

Class requirements

·      Faithful attendance. Your grade will drop one level for each two absences, after the first two. If you miss more than 5 sessions, you will flunk. Do not email me excuses or reasons why you are absent. If you miss a daily assignment, it may not be made up. There are enough assignments to offset the loss.
·      Be on time for class. I take this personally and being late is the quickest way to get on my bad side.
·      Adoption of journalism media in another country, with 4-page report and presentation to class from research, including social media interaction with members of that country’s press.
·      Midterm and final tests, based on class discoveries and student presentations.
·      Learning the location of countries in the world with blank maps.
·      Blog assignments—all assignments on the class blog, Clarkinternational, must be completed by assigned deadlines. No credit if deadline missed. Clarkinternational--
·      Extreme note taking—Notes required in every class.
·      Bring the New York Times to every class.
·      Writing assignments—250 word news stories from NY Times on media; guest speakers.
·       Good grammar. You must be fluent in English. Misspelled words cost 50 points each.
·      You may not make up assignments or exams.
·      If you have a medical condition that will mean extensive absences, you must notify the professor in the first week of class, with documentation. If you cannot attend at least 10 weeks of the semester, drop the class.
SUPPLIES—Paper and pen,  for notetaking, to every class period.
·      Countries to be included: Australia, Canada, China (English language versions), England, India, Malaysia, Mali, New Zealand, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, U.S. military overseas, Wales. Also, the dangers to and murders of journalists in other countries. You may report on a geographic portion of the country, or a specific media area (print, broadcast, online, etc.)
·      If you speak more than one language, you may adopt the country whose language you are fluent in: China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, etc.

Presentation guidelines: 
·      10-15-minute presentations, including visuals—power point, etc.--illustrating the student group, and your country’s media. Four page paper to professor.
·      One page outline handout of presentation for all class members;
·      Guidelines for structure and evaluation for both presentations to be handed out in class.
  • SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: No fancy covers. First page includes your name, date, subject title, list of sources. Then begin at mid-page. Paper to be stapled in upper left hand corner. All  work, except in class exercises, must be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman or Palatino typeface, on one side of the paper, with 1” or 1 1/2" margins. Make sure your toner is readable dark. ( Work will not be accepted unless it complies with these guidelines.  E-mail submissions allowed only on designated assignments.

DEADLINES: Must be met. Absolutely. Period. End of discussion. Journalism is a deadline business. Accordingly, late work will not be accepted. Don’t bother to hand it in—you get a “0”grade. Absence is no excuse.

GRADING SCALE: 100-91--A; 90-81--B; 80-70--C; 60-69—D
·      Map quizzes—100 points-20 percent
·      Country presentation-150 points-30 percent
·      Two tests (Multiple choice only)—75 points each, 30 percent
·      Miscellaneous writing assignments, including on blog, 100 points, 20  percent.
·      Total points--500